Где то в 22.00 steam подкачал обновление 1.5.387 для PC версии MW3. Вес апдейта около 24,5 метров. Точного и полного списка изменений пока нет. Достоверно известно что было добавлено еще 5 престижей и теперь их 15.
Update 1.5.387
Update 1.5.387
Update 1.5.387
Update 1.5.387
Update 1.5.387
Update 1.5.387
Update 1.5.387
Update 1.5.387
Значки последующих престижей идентичны. Разница только в римской цифре над черепом.
Так же на форумах пишут что уменьшили задержки в сетевой игре или что то типа того) :
Further Reduced/Remove Lag Compensation - Host now has host advantage, registry is improved, you now have slightly more time to react when being shot.
Вот нарыл еще кое что, но точной подтвержденной инфы нет.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Update History (All Platforms included)
TU1: Enabled Theater, Vault, Private Match options, Elite and Facebook functionality for Launch Day.
TU2: Fix for YouTube video upload on SD TVs. Matchmaking Improvements.
TU3: Theater Improvements (Fix to FF and RW in Theater), LAG improvements, Improvements to Hot Fix system.
TU4: Change to address hitching and lag in gameplay.
TU5: Further improvements for hitching and addressing lag in gameplay.
TU6: Additional improvements to address lag. Fix for Melee Jump. Clan Tag Validation (remove buttons from clan tags). Improve Host Migration logic. Prevent stat loss when player loses connection from server (internet pull / drop).
TU7: Improvement to address "Host Disadvantage" / "Lag Compensation" that caused hosts with good connections to be hindered. Plus ability to hot fix additional tweaks based on user feedback to this change.
TU8: Networking enhancements, Theater improvements and fixes, Further improvements to "Host Disadvantage" / "Lag Comp", Increased speed of YouTube uploads from 32k to 256k, Nerf to all Akimbo weapons (reduced fire rate), Shotgun re-balance (Slight nerf to Striker, slight buff to all other shotguns), Fix that prevents some users from not receiving their prestige token after prestiging, fix stat bug that retains "games played" stat across prestiges, removal of StealthnBomber radar visibility in Color Blind mode.
TU8: has been released on PS3 where it also includes improvements to voice chat.
"Added 400 new ranks of 5 new Prestige levels in Modern Warfare 3 on PC on latest patch. Expect the same on consoles soon for everyone!" - "В последнем патче добавлено 400 новых званий в 5 новых уровнях престижа в Modern Warfare 3 для PC. Патч для консольных версий также скоро выйдет!"